It has been some time now since the release of the Rise of Iron and all players are searching for the answer to one question in particular; what is the most efficient way to light level 400 in Destiny. In order to get the resources needed to increase our light, we must participate in missions and events throughout the destiny universe and hope to get rewards that have a higher light than our current gear. Luckily for us, there are actually several paths that we can take to achieve this goal.

Someone on Reddit put together a chart that shows exactly what activities you need to do in order to get certain items and certain rewards with a chance of it having the listed light level. For example, if you need ghost and artifacts with high light to help increase your light level, then you would just grind it out in the Archon’s Forge. It also shows the highest light level for engrams to decrypt at.

light level 400

They say that once you get around light 385, it’s a uphill battle to light level 400, however here are some tips I can give you to make things a bit easier:

  1. Don’t decrypt any exotic engrams until you get close to light level 400 since they will help boost you up and are the only engrams that decrypt to 400.
  2. You can farm exotic engram spots to get more exotics (click here).
  3. Artifacts and ghost may be a bit tough to come by so grind these out in the Archon’s Forge
  4. You can buy heavy ammo to help you get faction packages (click here).

Of coarse, you can also do the Wrath of the Machines Raid. A lot of people, however, want to grind up to 400 light in order to be powerful enough to do the raid. Reaching light 400 is also good for Trials of Osiris and Iron Banner as well.


Faction packages now give you gear up to 400.

Author ShadowHallow
Categories Destiny
Views 2181


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