Suggested: Most Efficient Way to Light Level 650 in Destiny 2

Here we are again. A new major DLC in Destiny 2 which usually means a new raid, which usually releases days or a week after the launch of the DLC. This also starts the race to the new light level cap so we can be prepared to do the raid. So that begs the question, what is the fastest, most efficient way to light level 600 in Destiny 2?

Well the truth is there really isn’t a “fast” way. Bungie made sure of that this time around. After you reach the “soft cap” the grind is simple, slow and steady from there.

I’m assuming that most of you that read this has already leveled up to some degree. If you have not started your journey yet then the first thing you should know is do not infuse any of your gear. You will receive a lot of rare gear that will greatly boost your light level. I would say wait until you are over the soft cap to infuse. (note: light level and power level is the same thing. I may switch between the two through out the post)

Soft Cap

The soft cap is the time when leveling up becomes more challenging. You will find yourself up until this point finding armor (mainly blue rare armor) that drastically increase your light level. The soft cap this time around is at light level 500. You can get to this level relatively easy from doing the story.

Also, I tried leveling a character before doing the story since I knew we will receive some powerful gear when/after we finish it. My hopes was that it will give me a level advantage by the time I finish the story. What I found was that I still had the same problem with the soft cap as others who went straight into the story. So in conclusion, it doesn’t matter when you decide to do the story, you will still hit that cap.

Grind for Power

After that, its just the matter of chasing down powerful gear, Prime Engrams, power gear from doing things like ranking up in the Crucible, doing activities like the Nightfall and getting exotics. Daily and weekly milestones are a good way to get powerful gear.

Prime engrams are a new type of engrams that drop randomly. They contain powerful gear and look similar to legendary engrams. Be sure to check your post master for these if your postmaster icon is active. Players have mentioned that Escalation Protocol is a good way to farm Prime Engrams since it has a lot of yellow bar enemies.

Now when going after powerful gear there are actually tier levels of power for powerful gear. What I mean by that is that the activity/bounties that you complete actually plays a role in how high the gear will drop above your current power level. For example;

  • Daily bounties will reward gear about 1 to 2 levels above your current light level
  • Weekly bounties will reward gear about 4 to 5 levels above your current light level
  • Petra bounties reward up to about 10

And that’s it. This will be the road that you take to level up. It’s not like how it was during previous level up grinds in Destiny 1, where people had farming methods that you can utilize to quickly boost up your light level. Also, they spread the powerful gear through several activities instead of having a few activities to grind.

(How the level up grind was in Destiny: Rise of Iron)

In Destiny 1, there were bosses that you could fight over and over again while using a Three of Coin. Bungie actually removed the three of coin from the game and I don’t think exotics dropping from defeated bosses is still a thing (UPDATE: They now randomly drop from just about everything. Very rare, however, which makes things even more challenging). Speaking of exotics, don’t rely on Xur for anything. He’s as useless as always (right now at lease).

At level 50, you can get rare armor to drop higher than the 500 cap during the Nightfall. This is good for situations where you have that one piece of armor that you still need to level up. They won’t drop higher than your current light level though.

Forsaken is still relatively new at the time this article was written. Things are still being discovered. If anything new is discovered about leveling up your light level I’ll update this post.



Author ShadowHallow
Categories Destiny 2
Views 1402


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