How to Farm Armor Stat Rolls in Destiny 2

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Have any of you ever played Pokemon? Have you ever bred and trained Pokemon for competitive purposes? If so, then you know about the EV and IV system, how deep breeding gets, and how to somewhat force the game to give you a Pokemon with the stats you want.

For everyone else who is unfamiliar, basically, every Pokemon had stats. You can go out into the wild and catch two Pikachu, but they won’t have the same stats. One Pikachu may have a higher speed stat than the other. So if those two Pikachu battled, the one with the higher speed stat will always attack first.

Of course, you don’t want to be the one with the slower speed Pikachu. That’s where breeding comes in. It allowed you to take two compatible Pokemon to a nursery and those two will have a baby. Out in the wild, when you catch a Pokemon, the stats are random but bred Pokemon will have the stats of the two parents. There was even a way to guarantee a stat to be at max when the baby hatched.

Long story short, you can use breeding to hatch Pokemon with super high stats.

Ok, but what does this have to do with Destiny?

You can Farm Armor Stat Rolls in Destiny 2. There’s a way to influence the stats of your armor drops. There’s even a way to guarantee one of the stats of your armor drops is high. But before I get into it, there’s something you should know first.

Stats you should ignore.

Out of the six stats that you can spec into (Mobility, Resilience, Recovery, Discipline, Intellect, Strength), there are two that you should ignore. That is Intellect and Strength.

There are ways you can easily build these up without building into them. For example, Intellect can be built by doing damage and Strength has ways to be refunded. So don’t look for armor that has high stats in those categories.


Another thing you should know is that Resilience actually matters now. I believe max Resilience gives you around a 40 percent damage decrease. You’ll need that for difficult activities so Resilience is a must for all your characters now.

You need to know about the stat pool split

So you know there are six different stats but did you know that the game splits them into 2 pools? Mobility, Resilience, and Recovery are in one pool, and Discipline, Intellect, and Strength are in the second pool. Whenever you get armor, the game will choose at random one stat from each pool to be higher than the rest. So that’s why you get armor with super high Intellect and Mobility or super high Discipline and Recovery, etc.

Now that you know this the fun begins. Your ghost has mods that you can put on to guarantee a high stat roll on a specific stat.

Remember when I said that Intellect and Strength aren’t important? Well, you can go to your ghost and put on a Discipline mod. Now every time you get armor, the Discipline stat will always be the high stat and you no longer have to worry about RNG when it comes to stats in that pool. The only RNG you need to worry about now is in the Mobility, Resilience, and Recovery pool and this is where the farming comes in.

Easy armor farm method in Season of the Haunted

Once you have an understanding of all this stuff, all you need to do is start armor farming. Season of the Haunted offers an easy way to do it. Just use the Haunted Armor Focusing feature at the Crown of Sorrow in the H.E.L.M.

Farm Armor Stat Rolls Destiny 2

Once you have armor with the stats you want (preferably high discipline and Resilience) for each armor piece, you can make your build with better stats. I run hunter so I want 100 Mobility, 100 Resilience, and as much Recovery as possible. My Discipline will be high regardless because of the ghost mod.

Check out the Destiny 2 category for all the information on Destiny 2. Feel free to follow Hallowpeak Gaming on Facebook and Twitter if you would like to get notified of posts I make in the future.

Author ShadowHallow
Categories Destiny 2
Views 1478


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