Wicked Implement Exotic Quest: 6 Weapons to Consider for Completing it | Destiny 2

The difficulty of the exotic quest for the Wicked Implement comes down to the weapons you and your team are using. You’ll face taken Cabal with their annoying pushback shield, a Tormentor who won’t sit still, and a gang of red bar enemies that don’t care that you only have a limited amount of time to kill that Tormentor.

The Destiny community, as well as myself, have had some time to take a crack at this exotic quest and have come up with a list of weapons that allow us to manage the challenges of this quest. As most of you know, completing this quest will grant you the Wicked Implement exotic weapon. If you have not completed the quest yet or are having difficulty, give these weapon(s) a try.


Wicked Implement Exotic Quest

It’s hard to argue that this is a must have for this quest. As I mentioned, the Tormentor move around quite a bit, which is bad since you need to aim for its crit spot on its chest to do maximum damage. Not to mention, you’re timed during this quest. Divinity solves that problem.


Wicked Implement Exotic Quest

Aside from its good DPS and ammo economy, it pairs good with Divinity. Especially if you have a crafted one with 4 Times the Charm and Target Lock. 4 Times the Charm will reload from reserves from rapid precision hits.


Wicked Implement Exotic Quest

Witherhoard will do exactly as the name implies; wither down the hoard. There’s red bar enemies everywhere. Aside from that, it will allow you to keep up your damage on the Tormentor. Hit him directly with Witherhoard, then switch to your power weapon and do damage while Witherhoard is also doing damage.


Wicked Implement Exotic Quest

This will serve you well when it comes to mob clearing. This will definitely serve you well when it comes to those Taken Cabal. The wave from this weapon goes under their shields. Best to have one with auto-loading.


Have you found yourself out of heavy ammo? Malfeasance and Wish-Ender will still put out satisfying damage. I prefer Wish-Ender since you don’t have to worry about shields.

Don’t forget to look for the pyramid objects after the quest is done. I believe there are 7. Just shoot them then commune with the statue again to hear Xivu’s annoying voice.

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Author ShadowHallow
Categories Destiny 2
Views 1233

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