Its only a matter of time before people want to know which guns dominate the battlegrounds in Apex Legends. I was hoping that all the guns, for the most part, would be good if used correctly. There are some pretty bad ones however. Here are the 5 top weapons that I recommend using:

1. Peacekeeper (or BEASTkeeper as I call it)

If you ever got shot by an opponent and it felt like a refrigerator shot out of his/her gun, then it was probably a peacekeeper. This thing is destructive. Good at ranges you might not expect.

You can charge it up by holding the aim button to deal extra damage. Precision choke pretty much turns this thing into a sniper rifle. It does 110 to the head and 165 to the body

2. Wingman

If you have good aim, this will serve you well. It’s another gun that hits from a surprisingly far distance. It’s also good if you have a very mobile combat style. It does 45 to the body and 90 to the head. If you equip Skullpiercer Rifling, it increases head damage even more.

3. Longbow

This gun actually surprised me with how hard it hit when I used it for the first time. Hits like a sniper, but almost feels like a scout rifle. Throw Skullpiercer Rifling on it and it will hit even harder. This gun also has a fast bullet speed which will allow you to maintain accuracy at further ranges. It does 55 to the body and 110 to the head.

4. Hemlock

This thing is a triple burst assault rifle that does 108 to the head. Players have a total of 200 health. If two bullets of that triple burst hit the head, they’re down. Just don’t miss or you will soon see the downfall of this weapon. It does 54 to the body.

5. Devotion

You don’t want to stand to long in front of one of these. This thing melts. It starts of with a slow fire rate then speeds up. Thing is, you (or your target) are pretty much dead before it even gets to full speed. They tried to balance it by making it only do 17 to the body and 34 to the head compared to the spitfires 20 to the body and 40 to the head, but it still wrecks.

These are not in order from best to worse. These are my top 5 recommended guns. Give them a try or maybe give one a second try. Sometimes you don’t get a good feel for the weapon the first time.

Author ShadowHallow
Categories HallowPeak News
Views 1578


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