This Heavy-Duty Aramid-Reinforced Badge Coat reminds me of the gear Leon wears in Resident Evil. Kinda makes me want to put it on and look for zombies to shoot in Night City. Of course, there are none, but a zombie expansion in Cyberpunk 2077 wouldn’t be a bad idea in my opinion.

But anyway, two of these Aramid-Reinforced Badge Coats can be found on two of the dead bodies in an area where a transport went wrong. The shard that you pick up off of one of the bodies reveals that an NCPD convoy was to escort a dangerous inmate who’s a part of the 6th Street Gang from Rancho Coronado to the municipal courthouse in the Glen. You find officers and gang members dead so that escort never made it.

Location of Aramid-Reinforced Badge Coat

Location will be displayed in the video below.

This armor definitely is cool looking. The only thing is when you try to take a picture the vest part is no longer there. Not sure if its a bug or something that is just happening to me.

Aramid-Reinforced Badge Coat

Badge Set

If you want to complete the Badge set and find the rest of the Badge gear, then check out the links below. So far there isn’t a Badge piece for the head and inner torso, although the coat part looks have one built in. If you do find Badge gear for those body parts, please let me know. You’ll know if it’s an official piece if it has a quote from Sgt. Max Hammerman, NCPD.

I have a lot of other information on Cyberpunk and plan to release more in the future. Check out the Cyberpunk 2077 category. Follow me on Twitter to get notified of a new post!

Author ShadowHallow
Categories Cyberpunk 2077
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