Some of these things I had to stop doing myself when I first started playing so I can speak more from personal experience. Of course, as time went on, I started to get better. As I started doing things like improving my aim and not make these mistakes, I started carrying teams to victory.

I guarantee you that if you stop making these mistakes, you’ll win more battles and more games. With that said, here are 5 noob mistakes players make in Apex Legends

Not taking high ground when possible

This has been the rule in any pvp shooter ever. Taking the high ground instantly gives you an advantage in any gun fight since it makes head shots easier while allowing you to cover up most of your body. Also, people typically don’t look up so that can lead to easy kills

Not sticking with your squad

I was playing a match where me and one other teammate (our third died) saw an enemy squad in the distance. We didn’t push them. We just watched their movements as we hid behind trees and in bushes.

We saw one of their squad mates running off away from the other two. When he was far from them and close to us, we ambushed and killed him. It went from being a 3v2 to a 2v2. We then wiped out the rest of them. Needless to say, we manage to win that game ( I had 11 kills 2000ish damage).

If isolating that squad’s teammate and double teaming him worked for us, it will work for others. Moral of the story, stick with your squad. Don’t turn a 3v3 into a 2v3 because of this mistake.

Not healing ASAP

You managed to wipe out a team, but took a lot of damage in the process. You go up to reap the spoils of war and get whatever loot they had in their death boxes. While you’re standing there, however, another team smashes you and wipes out your squad.

A lot of people run up and loot before healing. That is a really bad mistake since another team most likely will be on their way to your location. Especially if they heard your gunshots.

Tip: Speaking of healing, you should always have small shield cells active in your healing slot. Not syringes. Shield cells heal faster and you can pop them in the middle of gunfights to heal up if you find small breaks in combat.

Running into fire fights carelessly

Some people will see a squad and rush in. No cover. Out in the open. No type of strategy. Just run in and try to shoot at the first person they see, forgetting that there may be others around them.

Think of it this way, if you and and enemy squad is fighting and you run in carelessly and get downed, you just turned a 3 on 3 fight into a 2 on 3. Which means you just gave the other team the advantage. Any good squad will then push in on your squad since they know they have the numbers.

Be more strategic. Shoot from cover, find high ground. Try to flank. Try to out gun the opponent. You want to try to knock on of them down first and before they knock you or one of your squad mates down. If you get the knock, then push aggressively as a team.

Not taking cover

Something I had to learn not to do. Fight out in the open. The person who fights from behind cover will most likely win against someone who is out in the open.

I see a surprising amount of people fight out in the open though. I see those people get knocked down too. When engaging in a gunfight try to find cover when possible before shooting.

Apex has a learning curve. The more you know the better. I plan to make more post like this and an advance version of this post so be sure to follow me on Twitter to know when I post it.

Author ShadowHallow
Categories HallowPeak News
Views 1679


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