
Before I began, I should warn you that there are spoilers below. The spoilers are not from the main story. So if this is something you care about, now is the time to back out!

Remember Claire? The bartender we meet with Jackie for the first time in Afterlife? Yeah, turns out she’s good with making drinks- and fixing cars. Not only that but she participates in street races too!

Quests: The Beast in Me

At some point she will call you up about a gig. That gig is to be her driver in four street races. When you meet her you will see her working on a truck she calls “Beast”.

What she doesn’t tell you until later is that these races aren’t just to win. It’s for revenge. Revenge for her husband. She wants to kill a racer she believes is responsible.

I recommend going along with her and don’t try to stop her. When given the prompt, agree to help her take her target down. Me personally, I wanted to help her. Earlier I asked her to make a drink after Jackie as a memory of him and she did.

When you make it to the final race, she will have you tail him. Don’t worry about finishing the race. You won’t get that far.

At some point, a car will hit him off the road and he will come crawling out. She will get out and talk to him. He will try to persuade the two of you that her husband was not who she thought he was.

When I was given a choice to say something, I chose to not say anything. The timer ran out and she executed him (dark, I know). Guess we finally know why the job is called “the beast in me”. You two then return to the truck and she gives it to you at the end of the journey.

I didn’t go down the path of trying to stop her from getting her revenge. So if you do, I don’t know if you will get the vehicle. There is another variation of this type of truck. You can get it here.

I have a lot of other information on Cyberpunk and plan to release more in the future. Check out the Cyberpunk 2077 category. Follow me on Twitter to get notified of a new post!

Author ShadowHallow
Categories Cyberpunk 2077
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