Cursola can be useful if used correctly. It has a super high special attack and special defense, but can’t take physical hits at all. However, it can be used as a set up stopper and trapper with its ability perish body. It will also make your opponent think twice about attacking Cursola with a physical move.
You could go full sp attack and use choice specs on this mon but chances are you have another mon on your team that’s designated for the choice specs.
Ability: Perish Body
When the Pokémon with Perish Body is hit with a physical move, both the attacker and the Pokémon with Perish Body will faint in three turns.
Strength Sap
Strength Sap will allow you to heal and lower your opponents attacks. Great if they are stuck in WhirlPool
Will-O-Wisp will lower their attack even more while burning them.
WhirlPool is key for this set. It traps the opponent on the battle field and stops them from switching out for 4 to 5 turns. Combine this with perish body and you can trap and kill mons.
Hex and protect. If you want to hurt them while they are burned from the will-o-wisp then go hex. If you want to stall them then go protect.
Item: Leftovers
Left overs for the incremental healing per turn.
Nature: Bold
EV Spread
252 HP, 252 Defense, the rest in special defense. Cursola still has pretty high special attack. Now it should be able to take more physical hits.
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